Towage services in South Wales

All towage services in South Wales are provided by third parties.

Towage providers are responsible for the following

  • Tugs and associated equipment
  • Crew Competence and training
  • Safety Management Systems

 ABP South Wales Towage providers keep ABP South Wales updated as to the configurations and capabilities of the tugs available to us in South Wales

follow menu links on the left to view the respective fleets of our current towage providers.

 ABP South Wales have agreements  with our towage providers for reciprocal training of tug crews and pilots.This reciprocal training has proved to be invaluable in helping tugs crews to appreciate the considerations that the pilot will have and likewise for the pilots to appreciate the need for safe deployment and retrieval of towage gear and the operational parameters of the tugs and equipment .

 ABP South Wales have raised the South Wales and river Usk towage guidelines booklet. To view the towage guidelines please follow the menu link on the left.


SMS Towage Pictures © Peter Elsom Ship Support Ltd