%menu.branch% System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The network path was not found --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.TryGetConnection(DbConnection owningObject, UInt32 waitForMultipleObjectsTimeout, Boolean allowCreate, Boolean onlyOneCheckConnection, DbConnectionOptions userOptions, DbConnectionInternal& connection) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.TryGetConnection(DbConnection owningObject, TaskCompletionSource`1 retry, DbConnectionOptions userOptions, DbConnectionInternal& connection) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.TryGetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, TaskCompletionSource`1 retry, DbConnectionOptions userOptions, DbConnectionInternal oldConnection, DbConnectionInternal& connection) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionInternal.TryOpenConnectionInternal(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory, TaskCompletionSource`1 retry, DbConnectionOptions userOptions) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.TryOpenInner(TaskCompletionSource`1 retry) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.TryOpen(TaskCompletionSource`1 retry) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillInternal(DataSet dataset, DataTable[] datatables, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet) at Logic.Hoopla.DataInterface.RunProcedure(String Command, Hashtable Parameters) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Logic.Hoopla.DataInterface.RunProcedure(String Command, Hashtable Parameters) at Logic.Hoopla.Tags.Menu.createXmlMenuObject() at Logic.Hoopla.Tags.Menu.processMenu_Branch() at Logic.Hoopla.Tags.Processor.GetTagContent(String TagCode) at Logic.Hoopla.Tags.Extractor.internalProcessContent(String UnprocessedContent, String StartTag, String EndTag) -->

Hospitality Berths


In the following guidance notes you will find information about Enterprise Quay and some basic rules for personal and public safety and protection of the environment in the Port of Barry.
Specific telephone numbers are given where appropriate however all general enquiries should be directed to the Harbour Master in Cardiff on (029) 20835000 Fax (029) 20835006, or E-mail Cardiff@abports.co.uk
Within the port enquiries may be directed during tidal periods (4 hours either side of high water) to the Barry Lock Controller on 01446 701641 or call 'Barry Radio' on VHF Channel 11.


All craft wishing to use Enterprise Quay must appoint a local shipping agent to represent their interests whilst in port. A list of shipping agents may be obtained on request from ABP’s main office. Telephone (029) 20835000. Fax (029) 20835001, or E-mail Cardiff@abports.co.uk


Pilotage is compulsory for all craft over 85 metres in length and strongly recommended for all craft visiting the port for the first time. Orders for pilots will only be accepted from the appointed shipping agent. Charges for pilotage services can be obtained on request from ABP’s main office. Telephone (029) 20835000. Fax (029) 20835001, or E-mail Cardiff@abports.co.uk
For general pilotage enquiries telephone Cardiff LPS on 0845 6018870. Fax: (029) 20835006 or E-mail southwalesradio@abports.co.uk

Boatmen and Linehandlers

The engagement of licensed boatmen and linehandlers is strongly recommended for all craft. Orders for boatmen must be placed by the appointed shipping agent.
When berthing the first lines ashore must be conveyed by launch or by heaving lines thrown from the shore.
In the interests of public safety the throwing of heaving lines from craft to the shore is strictly prohibited


All parties (individually and collectively) using Enterprise Quay do so on the basis that they agree (to the fullest extent permitted by law) to be responsible for and to release and indemnify Associated British Ports Holdings PLC, its subsidiary Grosvenor Waterside Investment Ltd and associated companies, including Associated British Ports and its subsidiaries, their servants and agents from and against all liability for a) Personal injury (whether fatal or otherwise), save to the extent that Section 2(1) of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 shall be applicable; b) Loss of or damage to any property whatsoever; and c) Any other loss (including economic loss), damage costs and expenses howsoever caused or incurred (whether or not caused or incurred or contributed to by the negligent act or default of the ABP, its servants or agents) arising directly or indirectly from, or in any way connected with, the above-mentioned permission.

Location and Access

Enterprise Quay (with a quay wall of 65 metres in length) is located on the north side of Number One Dock, Barry. (See map).
Access to the Number One Dock, Barry is gained by entry through Lady Windsor Sea Lock.
Subject to shipping it will normally take about 30 minutes from entering Barry Harbour to berthing alongside Enterprise Quay
Transit of Junction Cut is prohibited to vessels destined only for Enterprise Quay.
Depth Alongside
Enterprise Quay has a minimum depth of 8 metres alongside. This depth can not, however, be guaranteed and any craft which requires a critical underkeel clearance must consult with the Dock and Harbour Master before confirming any arrangements to enter the port.
The water level in Barry is held at an average height of 10 metres however on spring tides predicted to exceed a height of 13.70 metres the docks become tidal and water levels may rise to 12 metres or greater at high water. On such tides particular attention must be made to checking moorings and gangways.
Dock Water Density
Number 1 Dock, Barry has an average specific gravity of 1.017
Enterprise Quay is unfendered, visiting craft must provide their own fenders.

Mooring bollards and rings

Large mooring bollards, capable of taking up to 10 tonnes lateral pull, are situated at the corners of Enterprise Quay and adjacent quays. In between the mooring bollards at approximately 30 metre intervals are large mooring rings capable of taking up to 1 tonne lateral pull. Craft must not secure lines to the railings.


Protective cabinets each containing a lifebuoy and line are located at the corners of Enterprise Quay.


Craft alongside Enterprise Quay are prohibited from using pyrotechnics (including the firing of cannons) without the written permission of the Dock and Harbour Master.


The means of access between the quay wall and a craft alongside must be in full accordance with the Merchant Shipping (Means of Access) Regulations 1988. Where the size of a craft prevents the deployment of a suitable gangway a cargo net or equivalent must be rigged under any point at which it is necessary to cross between the quay wall and the craft. The means of access must not present a tripping risk or a hazard to pedestrians.
Whenever possible gangways should be positioned in the dedicated break in the line of quayside railing. In circumstances where this can not be achieved prior arrangements must be made with ABP to cut the railings.

Painting alongside

All craft are prohibited from painting overside either from the quay wall or from a floating painting platform.

Crew Displays

All craft, particularly sailing craft, entering the port or moving within the dock system are prohibited from undertaking displays in which crew members are encouraged to undertake activities not wholly necessary for the safe operation of the craft e.g. standing on the yards.

Craft in Number One Dock, Barry

Craft alongside Enterprise Quay are prohibited from deploying any smaller craft, particularly high speed rigid inflatable boats, into Number One Dock without the permission, in writing, of the Dock and Harbour Master. The speed limit within the docks is 4 knots.
Under the Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974, the Docks Regulations and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, users of Enterprise Quay are responsible for carrying out risk assessments in respect of the activities with which they are involved and for implementing and monitoring the control measures deemed necessary arising from the risk assessments.

Services - Waste Collection

All craft using Enterprise Quay must make their own arrangements for the removal of galley and other solid waste. An area in one of the parking bays to the north of Enterprise Quay has been assigned as a skip location zone for this purpose.
The appointed shipping agent must take full responsibility for ordering skips in advance of a craft’s arrival, securing necessary local council approval and obtaining and signing all necessary waste transfer documentation.
It is a statutory obligation for all craft to declare to ABP prior to arrival the quantities of waste to be landed in the port. ABP Prior Notification System
ABP has developed a single ‘waste website’ www.abpwaste.co.uk to handle all the waste notification information for all ABP ports around the UK.Electronic notification forms are to be used by all vessels heading to an ABP-managed berth or terminal, unless in possession of an MCA exemption certificate.

Services - Water supply

A fresh water supply is available on Enterprise Quay.
Arrangements must be made with a national service provider to receive water at a berth designated by the Dock and Harbour Master prior to berthing or on departure.
It is recommended that all water hoses used to connect to the hydrants should be of circular cross section, armoured and manufactured in a UV stabilised material.
It is the responsibility of visiting craft to provide suitable hoses and connections to the standpipe.

Services - Electricity supply

Connection to a mains electricity supply is not available on Enterprise Quay.

Grey Water and Sewage

Grey Water and Sewage must not be discharged into the dock or removed from a craft when it is alongside Enterprise Quay. Arrangements must be made for disposal to road tanker at a designated berth within the dock system prior to berthing or on departure. All disposals of sewage to shore must be disclosed on the waste declaration forms.

Fuel Oil, Lubricating Oil and Waste Oil

Bulk deliveries of Fuel or lubricating oil and bulk recovery of Waste Oil must not be undertaken whilst a craft is alongside Enterprise Quay. Arrangements must be made to receive or dispose of oil at a designated berth within the dock system prior to berthing or on departure. All disposals of waste oil to shore must be disclosed on the waste declaration forms.

Stores and mail

All deliveries of stores and mail must be made through the office of the appointed shipping agent. ABP can not accept stores, equipment or mail for any visiting craft.


Enterprise Quay is outside the port’s security area consequently all visiting craft must make their own security arrangements. Vessels over 500gt will be required to satisfy all security provisions under the applicable sections of the ISPS code.

Hot Work Permission and Diving Permission

Hot work permission and diving (commercial) permission, as appropriate, must be obtained from Barry Lock Controller before hot work or diving activities commence. (If contact with Barry Lock Control can not be established calls should be directed to Cardiff LPS).

Swimming, Diving and Fishing

Swimming, diving (leisure) and fishing in Barry Docks is prohibited.


Although craft alongside Enterprise Quay are effectively outside the dock perimeter they are nevertheless subject to the port’s emergency plan and masters and crew must respond as follows in the event of an emergency:


In the event of fire on board a craft alongside Enterprise Quay a responsible member of the craft’s crew should call 999 and ask for the South Wales Fire and Rescue then contact Cardiff LPS by telephone on 0845 6018870.
A full report of the fire must be submitted to the Harbour Master on conclusion of the response.


Incidents, other than fire, which have been notified to the emergency services, must also be reported to the Barry Lock Controller on VHF Channel 11 or by telephone on (01446) 701641.

Evacuation Points /Assembly Areas.

An assembly area may be established in the car parking area adjacent to Enterprise Quay.

Maintaining Records of Personnel

All persons in charge of craft alongside Enterprise Quay are strongly recommended to maintain accurate records of the number of persons on board. A minimum crew should remain on board at all times to respond to emergencies.

General Information Hospitals

The nearest N H S Accident and Emergency unit is based on Colcot Road, Barry. Telephone number (01446) 704000

Car Parking

Parking in the bays along Enterprise Quay is free of charge and of unlimited duration.

Distance to the city centre

Enterprise Quay is located approximately 0.5 mile (0.8 kilometres) to the south of the Barry's main shopping area.

Public Transport

For general enquiries about buses or trains telephone 0870 6082608
© Copyright Associated British Ports Holdings PLC 2008. All rights reserved.