The ABP Group Port Marine Operational Procedures Manual
The board members of the ABP Statutory Harbour Authority (SHA) are collectively and singularly “duty holders” as described in the Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC.)
ABP, at a group, level have developed a Port Marine Operational Procedures Manual that addresses the Core PMSC principles. This top level system is supplemented at a regional and port level by local SMS, plans, manuals and policies.
The ABP Port Marine Operational Procedures Manual is a framework that provides the foundation for ensuring the ABP Ports and Harbours consistently and appropriately address the requirements of the Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC). The complementary ABP Marine Policies define the organisation and arrangements that ABP has established to monitor, promote and proactively manage Port Marine Safety.
The Operational Procedures Manual describes how the ABP Marine Policies will be effectively implemented, along with those policies it has been fully adopted in the South Wales Regional Port Marine Safety Management System.
The Core principles of the Port Marine Operational Procedures Manual are assessment, mitigation and continuous review of marine risk, to this end ABP has developed the MarNis Safety and Management system.
The MarNIS software is a key tool in assisting ABP Statutory Harbour Authorities ensure compliance with the Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC).
The MarNIS software allows marine risk assessments to be carried out in a consistent manner, and more importantly provides a system to ensure that all assessments are reviewed regularly, as well as maintaining an audit trail of reviews, and changes to each assessment.
MarNIS also allows consistent and auditable reporting of all marine incidents (both actual and potential). As these reports are visible to all users in all ports, an opportunity is provided for lessons learned to be shared with others.
Finally, MarNIS provides a direct link between incidents and risk assessments, allowing rapid review of relevant assessments following any incidents and potential reduction of levels of risk as a result.
The following diagram outlines the cyclic nature of the MarNis assessment process